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mill wheel 水車(的輪子)。

mill work

The main products : glasscutter , glass driller , cutting machine , portable edging , diamond mill wheel , buff wheel , glass paint , shadowless glue , glass clip and advertisement nail etc 主要產品:玻璃刀、玻璃鉆頭、異形切割臺、手提磨邊機、金剛石磨輪、拋光輪、玻璃專用漆、無影膠水、夾膠膠水、玻璃夾、廣告釘等產品。

A dam constructed across a stream to raise the water level so that the overflow will have sufficient power to turn a mill wheel 磨坊水壩橫跨溪流建造的堤壩,以提高水位使溢滿的水有足夠的動力轉動磨坊的水輪

Milling wheel diameter : 200mm 鉆銑床系列

The fast - moving stream of water that drives a mill wheel 水流推動磨坊水輪的流速很快的水流